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The Power of Values: A Moral Compass for Life

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.—Dalai Lama”

During our educational journey, we’ve covered a variety of subjects, including Moral Science. A science of morality helps develop values and drives you to do the right things. It is like taking any action or decision, considering ourselves and the world. It’s deciding between what is right or wrong – to be self-aware of individual values that draw you to avoid harm to others and yourself. 

‘Possessing wealth without being honest and integral is meaningless.’

‘Understanding others without empathising is useless.’

‘Helping others without justice is needless.’

‘Speaking without kindness is pointless.’

‘Achieving without values is fruitless’

‘Managing relationships without relating is worthless.’ 

To guide our actions, we must differentiate between instrumental and intrinsic values. Instrumental values are money, food, job security, and social status. It is nothing but a fundamental human desire. Unlike Instrumental, intrinsic values are like happiness, love, joy, creativity, and compassion. Intrinsic values are anything valuable on its own; they are the end itself. Instrumental values serve as a medium to achieve an end goal.

By achieving job security or social status, we achieve happiness. Desire rises to instrumental values. Once you attain that desire, you move on to the next one. It drives from getting the benefit from another person, like your friendship, or any other relationship, even the relationship with non-humans like animals. The values shouldn’t only focus on self-interest but also the welfare of others.

Whenever you take the instrumental value approach, it focuses on the love of self, neglecting others, and the right relationship with the world. The instrumental value is the only medium to reach Intrinsic value; don’t sit on instrumental values. The values always look after the others. So, you must decide what is right or wrong, the moral question to take the right action. Remember the intrinsic value of love and compassion that drives you to achieve your goal, so your achievements wouldn’t be a concern only for yourself but valuable to others.

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