“Silence is the door; Observer is the key to self-discovery.”
Regardless of whether you realise it, many of life’s troubles begin with our speaking. If you can refrain from speaking, much of the chaos in your life will automatically diminish. For instance, a simple misunderstanding can quickly snowball into a heated argument, resulting in emotional turmoil and relationship breakdown. Every word spoken has the potential to create dilemmas and anxiety.
We remember and retain less when we speak, and our self-awareness declines. When you talk, your focus shifts away from yourself and onto others, causing you to neglect your own needs. Your thoughts and actions may be aimed towards others, but you feel the consequences. Our attention is like an arrow directed towards another person when we engage in conversation, causing us to be inattentive to ourselves. During these moments of unawareness, we may speak something we deeply regret. So, the question arises: How can I practice refraining from talking less or when necessary to reduce chaos? The answer is Silence.
Silence is usually an absence of sound or noise, but Silence is wholly misunderstood because we haven’t experienced it. Not speaking a word or saying anything is not Silence; Silence is the door to your inner self. A door which will be locked until you keep your eyes open to the outside world, a world which is not prevalent to total awareness but an illusion, a voiceful watching of the physical world; there is no silence, and then you say hundred times that you are experiencing Silence, but you are not. Silence is not total noiselessness but light that can only be seen by your inner eyes. It is the eyes that witness you from outside inwardly.
All senses act towards the outside, our five senses arduously working 24/7 into the outside world activities, but never experience a fragrance of quietness of heart. No society, culture, or education can teach us the sense that is beyond these five senses. Still, these five senses recognise the counter senses, which listen to that music and experience that peaceful home, your Gardens of Versailles. The sense of the eye, which looks not at the physical world but inward, is said to be a third eye, an eye that can realise the self.
Our identities, memories, and mental imprints deeply influence our actions. Thus, our actions are not pure but tainted by the echoes of our past. This contamination affects our perception, awareness, and ability to see ourselves truthfully. To honestly know our minds, we must open our unsullied eyes, the eyes of Silence that can both see and be heard. The clarity of living a joyful life can only be attained when our inner eyes open, and we embrace the Silence where the flower of love blossoms and the garden of joy flourishes.
Let’s begin a meaningful journey toward self-awareness by unlocking the door to your inner self with the power of Silence. Become an observer who guides you on this discovery, helping you delve into the depths of yourself and discover who you are.