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Harnessing The Greatness of Compassion: Elevating Kindness to New Heights

“For us, to exist in this world is not to cause suffering to another being. That’s Compassion.”

When born into this world, you won’t believe the pain of being suffered. Likewise, another being born never expects to be suffered by you. But that isn’t as simple as it states. The law of nature never works this way. It has happened in some ways. And it happens the way it has to happen. It is just the law of causing something and causing the effect. And then, the effect brings another cause, another effect, and so on. 

So, where does the human being fit into this physical existence? Our existence is not a solitary journey but a part of a more extensive interconnected web, where we coexist with other human beings, animals, and numerous species. This interconnectedness gives us a sense of belonging and a shared responsibility we all bear, fostering a sense of unity and collective purpose. 

The answer lies in how humans have treated themselves and how they choose to treat other beings. This decision depends on two criteria: How do you consider others’ feelings? Second, how do you recognise other people’s suffering and help to act on it? The first one is Kindness, and the other one is Compassion. 

Kindness and Compassion are potent forces that can drive positive change. Kindness involves considering others’ feelings, showing generosity, providing assistance, or expressing concern without expecting anything in return. It’s about making a positive impact at the moment. Conversely, Compassion is a deeper understanding of others’ suffering and motivation to alleviate it. It’s about long-term support and understanding. Cultivating both these qualities in ourselves can make a meaningful impact on the lives of others, inspiring hope and fostering a sense of empowerment.

Understanding that stern Kindness is involved at the emotional level gives you a moment to express your concern, but it never really connects. It comes like a bubble of emotion and brings a colourful ball of light, which lets you be generous for a few moments and gives a sense of happiness to the kind and the one who revives that Kindness. It is a short, sweet connection for a brief period. When that moment is gone, it never occurs in the same way with the same intensity. It quickly concurs with the law of nature; something causes a sense of suffering, and an effect of Kindness happens. And it led to another cause of happiness, and on and on.

Besides, compassion is not only sympathising with the other being; it motivates you to help in every way, both emotionally, physically, and mentally. It has led you to another level of Kindness. Compassion is like a superset of Kindness. It not only speaks Kindness, it acts Kindness. It offers another hand to the sufferer or sometimes steps back from the sufferer to let his suffering go. Compassion is about listening carefully to another being, witnessing conscientiously in the eyes, and realising the true feelings occurring at that moment without judgment, complaints, or assumptions. Compassion is about encouraging others to be loved and give love in return, being happy for other beings without any gain. Compassion is the highest level of the act that brings love and is the only love in someone’s life. 

How do you generate such a kind of Compassion?

By understanding that nature has a variety of species and beings, all of them are indistinguishable. That being said, the human being, conscious of his choices, does not flow in the game of natural law, which is the principle that every action has a consequence. When it realises it is not a play of only their feelings that had occurred at some time, in some way, but being aware of its source form where these feelings come from, you gain that wisdom of discriminate your choices, you take in your life, how you treat others, and it let you feel for others, understandings their suffering an empathetic way. You make better decisions consciously, not being affected by false emotions or feelings of a bubble that burst in a few moments, but having a total awareness of your actions lets you have genuine Kindness. This Compassion looks beyond your pain and suffering and looks at others’ suffering, which isn’t different from yours, which doesn’t realise the different part from yours that human is pure consciousness. Your actions, way of living, or existence should never cause any suffering to another being; instead, you should flourish love to others and only love. 

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