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What is Life? Discovering the True Essence of Existence

“Life is about living in the moment as it happens.”

There comes a point in a person’s life when several questions can arise in mind about life. The basic one is, what is life? This question led to the creation of many philosophies over the ages. People start to follow different perspectives and come to some suitable conclusions; even though that philosophy, the understanding that fundamental question about life, even gives you some knowledge to derive some values from it, that is still not a final or correct answer. You can’t conclude the fundamental question with some philosophical notes or theory. 

Human existence is a changing phenomenon. Every moment is changing. Your life is changing in a moment. It has altered lakhs of times since you were born and since you have this question about life. The philosophy provided by some person to you at some point in your life, which we read, applies to finding reality at some point and for some people, but that’s not the overall truth. It doesn’t mean philosophies aren’t faithful, or you can’t find out the answers to the questions about life, but you can’t believe it to be accurate, you keep that philosophy with you throughout your life in the safe and adore it, so that you can’t lose it. However, it’s essential to understand that while philosophies can guide us in understanding life, they are not the ultimate truth. They are like signposts on a journey, helping us navigate the complexities of existence. 

We discuss life, an individual existence, a capacity to grow, and a functional activity. Life is in living. It is a process. You can only truly comprehend life by experiencing it. If you seek meaning in life in some philosophical theories, you must not have understood the nature of life. Life is not a destination to be reached but a continuous journey happening within you in the present moment. 

Whatever you are in your life now, that moment you are living in the present is life. If you try to find it in the future, some destination you want to land at, looking for a meaning in life somewhere else, you will miss it. 

Finding the meaning of life differs from solving a mathematical equation. You assume x and have a value for y, so you multiply it to derive z. You can’t reach answers just by applying any formula or algorithm to solve a mystery of life.

Life is as is; we are talking about existence. You can’t solve that by just assuming something or applying some logic. These philosophies are like these formulas; they will help you move further in solving it, but once you experience it, you can solve the life equations. Because these lifted ideologies and theories are like souvenirs, they treat you for some time. You always for that for a time, and then it becomes just a lost memory – a past. Just like the future can’t give the meaning of life, the past, too, can’t give you any meaning to it. 

No one can hand you the meaning of life on a silver platter. It’s your life, and you’re the one who must uncover its meaning. It’s not about adopting someone else’s meaning but about embarking on your journey of discovery. This realisation can only come from living your life, not reading scriptures or adopting others’ beliefs. These scriptures are handy tools to help you understand the fundamentals of existence. Only you can experience the true essence of life. 

How do you experience life? By living in the present moment, where it’s happening. Right here, right now. Don’t fill your understanding of life with someone else’s knowledge because life is happening, and you must live it. It’s like searching for God in a temple when God is right where you are. You don’t need to dive into the Ganges; you are a shrine to yourself. Be fully aware of the present moment and live it as it unfolds, and you’ll find the answers to your questions about life. Life is the moment you’re living as it’s happening. 

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