‘Spirituality is uncovering the profound depths of existence and creation through introspection of your life journey and finding its true meaning within the ordinary.’
Spirituality as a Personal Journey
Among the many planes of existence, spirituality stands out as a profoundly personal journey, distinct from the realms of philosophy. It’s a question that only you can honestly answer. It’s not a subject for philosophical debate but a deeply personal inquiry that demands your respect.
Self-awareness as the Beginning
It all starts with you and how aware you are of yourself. It’s like diving into your inner existence and discovering what’s inside. Then, once you reach layer after layer of understanding yourself, what unravels in front of you is a realisation of your true existence.
Understanding Your Existence
Once you know your existence, you understand yourself, which means your body and mind, which is your whole existence in front of you, with your own experience. You will realise it is unnecessary to ask this question: what is spirituality? Many people see that as a dark hole or a place of no return, and they don’t want to jump into that river that never finds the ocean. You don’t need that. You should see your life as the river where you keep following, observing, understanding and experiencing the natural process of this vast existence where you are just a tiny being who wants to live quietly, wants to understand your river, the waves that come out of it, and ready to reach the shore of the ocean. That will help you live your life and be enlightened.
Living Simply and Naturally
That means just being ordinary, living, and enjoying life as it happens. You are not disturbed by your logical statements, not by borrowed knowledge of this world outside, but by understanding the world inside you. And keeping in check the simplicity of this existence as you go along, where you never chase anything, never agree on meeting some dreams, but strive to understand yourself being in this existence.
Avoiding Esoteric Knowledge
As you inquire about enlightenment, what is the meaning of life? Instead of asking who you are, you try to reach a plane of esoteric answers to this question. You will gain nothing with his esoteric enquiry based on some reasoning and knowledge you have in this physical world. You should ask yourself the answer. To do that, you have to enter into the ordinary pool. You don’t have to grab anything special. The street of speciality is the trait of all blunders. If you try to be special, you are trying to be something beyond this natural creation. That means you are suggesting that you are living in this existence; you are something extraordinary. But if you keep the term ordinary, it means you are trying to understand natural creation, existence, where you live, and your understanding of whole existence.
The Danger of Seeking to Be Special
Once you become self-aware, you will not go to the path of being extraordinary, to the path of reaching somewhere, what you call something mystic, called enlightenment. If you want enlightenment, just be aware of your existence as it happened to you. Follow the natural process and keep identifying yourself with the existence. Otherwise, once you think of the whole creation and not a part of it and strive to be special, you show that you are other than this creation, which is beyond God’s creation. You are going away from God and trying to be special, and you blossom at the cost of towing others in existence under your feet.
Being Ordinary and Humble
You have to be ordinary. By ‘ordinary ‘, I mean understanding and accepting your place in the natural order of things, without trying to elevate yourself above others. If you wanted to be in the first place, be it at any point in your life, above someone, in status, in power, you are enjoying other people’s disabilities, which is against the nature of life; this shows you never gain any knowledge and you have intellect which is so poor that you strive to enjoy life at the cost of other people’s sufferings. The Buddha, after becoming enlightened, doesn’t want to be you get enlightened; he wants to be aware of yourself, your existence, your worth of being ordinary and free from all sufferings, but not to be special without regard for other people’s sufferings.
Embracing Individual Experiences in the Natural Order
The life phenomenon is one extensive process where you don’t try to be special or take your individuality so seriously that you sit on top of others. This vast natural creation has given us the liberty to breathe and a chance to have individual experiences. These individual experiences, unique to each of us, are the building blocks of our spiritual growth. You should think yourself blessed to be a part of this extraordinary existence by being ordinary, living it as it prevails, expanding your self-awareness, inviting it with open arms of great pleasure, and taking a substantial step towards spirituality.