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Written Fate or Chosen Path?: Exploring The Power of Choice and the Role of Destiny

The Debate on Fate and Free Will

There is often a notable debate about whether God’s will, which some believe to be the ultimate determinant of our fate, is the sole reason shaping our actions and decisions, leading to the creation of destiny without one’s choices. If this were the case, then the events of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu text, and the great Kurukshetra war would not have unfolded as they did. The Bhagavad Gita, a conversation between Lord Krishna and the warrior Arjuna, explores the interplay between fate and free will.

Krishna’s Attempt to Prevent War

Before the war began and the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ sung by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, Shri Krishna strived to stop the war between Kauravas and Pandavas. Had this been successful, there wouldn’t have been any war or Gita. Shri Krishna went to King Dhritarashtra’s court and requested that he stop the war from happening. His only request was to give five villages outside the border of their king’s empire, Hastinapur. So that the Pandavas would not maintain any association with the kingdom and would live their life in refuge. But the stubborn Duryodhan, son of Dhritarashtra, because of his ego, never wanted to give Pandavas even an iota of land. God gave Duryodhan a fair chance to choose, use his free will, and decide. He could have stopped the war and prevented lakhs of people from being slain. 

Free Will and Choice limits

God has given us the freedom to choose between alternatives. These choices are not limitless. There have been limits to these choices based on your past actions and choices you have already made. You always have options that keep producing every moment in your life. God, never be your master. He only loves you. The one who loves never wants others to suffer. Some predetermined fate could exist, already written – such as your birth and death – but don’t keep you or ever forcibly hold you in the chains of fate. 

Your Present Choices Shape Your Future

The moment you look at the things going on in your life, you will write another recommendation about your fate, considering your choice at that very moment. Your present will decide your future. Your choice can determine whether evil or good will happen, and your free will is your command to upgrade your destiny. God has loved everyone. He wants us to live a joyful life and to come to him with utmost devotion. But many times, you cunningly start the battle against him and curse God for giving us such life; he had written a fate which was going against us. You might consider him your opponent, but he is your supporter. God is with you in every circumstance, situation, and moment, even if you condemn his actions.

God as a Charioteer, Not a Master

You are not a machine that needs a boss to control it. God isn’t your boss, but he is always your charioteer. Shri Krishna became Arjuna’s charioteer in the Kurukshetra war, and with Krishna’s help in every single event, Arjuna finally won against Kauravas. Lord Krishna never told Arjuna to do what he wanted, but he made Arjuna understand why he would fight the war against his kin. Shri Krishna explained the right way of living and how Arjuna performed his duties. You must not forget that God is our charioteer; he never puts you in a situation and leaves you alone to suffer. He would never take away your freedom to make your life choices. 

Consciousness and Free Will

God has always given you the option to reconsider your choices. This is where your free will comes into play, and the most powerful tool you have is your consciousness. Your consciousness is a potent instrument for evaluating alternatives. When deciding to perform a duty, you are using your mind. Your mind is a repository of past experiences and future expectations, and if you are not looking at the present with an open mind, you might miss your best option. It is crucial to look at your present and consider it with conscious choices.

Living Consciously with Grace and Love

Consciousness is your quality mind. Your mind is intelligent and alive only when it is fully conscious. It is important not to conclude once you are done with an action; every moment allows you to reconsider your action and option and look at it gracefully. Each moment is an infinite opportunity to make your choices. Embrace it by being fully conscious, seeking awareness of the present moments, and understanding yourself. Surrender to the fate already written by God and accept it with love. This will enrich your choices and, by reflecting on the role of fate, guide you towards a path of joyous living.

1 Comment on this post

  1. Interesting perspective!
    I believe that while fate may set the stage, our choices shape the path we take. Just like Krishna guiding Arjuna, we have the free will to act with wisdom and awareness. It’s a balance—fate may offer limits, but our choices determine the outcome.

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