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The Key to Happiness Lies in Understanding Your True Character

The Role of Society in Shaping a Child’s Morality and Values

When a child, a new baby, is born into this world, he does not understand anything; he has no beliefs, values, morals, or compass for nobility. Then, the parents, society, and teachers come into the picture. With its established values, society plays a crucial role in guiding the child’s understanding of the world, how to live, and what values and morals are. It provides a framework, like a book, for the child to follow guidelines to live a life. The societal factors he has been asked to adhere to influenced the child’s growth and character development. 

Influence of Culture and Environment on Character Development

Culture, beliefs, religion, place, and surrounding environment are those factors, and the people they connect with have a prominent impact on character building. Along with that character, it earns a badge of morals that parents and teachers have trained with. These badges broaden that ability when they blend with society’s well-obeyed structure. With that, he acquires knowledge and learns many subjects of interest to him, including interest those of his parents and people in society. He understands the moral principle of right and wrong behaviour, which is a derivation of experiences with life and conforming with an established social structure.

Curiosity Versus Conditioned Morality

The child grows and develops a character, which was his conditioning by others, be it parents, relatives, friends, and society. What walks with him in parallel is the curiosity of understanding everything happening besides and happening with itself. A child always has many questions asked to parents, and parents answer them based on their conditioning, experiences, and moral values they have possessed all of their lives. Even as a teenager, no one has let him find the answer unassisted. A parent or teacher can never let the child determine the answer to his inquiries. You appreciate his curiosity but suppress it with the standards of society. As he becomes an adult, he never understands where these moral values come from or their source. A story of his life has been created by everyone but himself.

The Consequences of Suppressing a Child’s True Character

If he had cultivated the seeds of curiosity since childhood and had been granted the freedom and appropriate guidance during his childhood or teenage stage to discover the answer, his life story would have been different. Because the character is never allowed to develop, he has always been projected as the mirror of society, of the world he could have understood. The character that society tries to create is not his true character by ‘true character ‘, we mean the unique combination of characteristics, values, and beliefs that make each distinct, which wouldn’t be of society’s influence that sometimes obscures this true character.

The Dilemma of External Morality and Hypocrisy

It is he who could write the story. It is he who is going to develop the character. He must understand the meaning of morality, the good, the bad, the ugly. Until he plays the character created by society, it wouldn’t help him live a life; it is always an outward play. He will say,’ I followed all moral values and didn’t do anything wrong even though I faced a dilemma’. On the outside, he is full of morals, but on the inside, he never understands his character. He has become a hypocrite. Morality gives two options: If honest, he can live in irrationality. If dishonest, he is a hypocrite. Those with clever and cunning natures are hypocrites, and those who are simple and innocent and live that moral life taught by so-called societal beliefs make it senseless.

The Impact of External Morality on Personal Fulfilment

He wants to achieve many things in life and has followed all values and morals, yet life is never-ending and gives you misery. Misery never makes a difference based on the morals you possess. Following external morality often leads to misery and suppression of true character. The more child focuses on external morality, the less moral you become inside, as your character’s approach to life shifts to align with societal beliefs, leading you further away from your true self.

The Path to True Character Through Self-Awareness

He can only shape his character by writing his story, becoming more self-aware, and cultivating his earned wisdom. He will find ease, and his character can approach life’s truth when his inner and outer morality align. You establish absolute morality and character from within when you have self-awareness.  If he rejects the morality imposed by society, he can live more peacefully. Therefore, self-awareness is the key to personal growth, empowering him to shape his character and story.

The Journey Towards Joy and True Character

A child is born here to receive joy and find his true character. To be joyful and understand himself, he has to raise his consciousness, gain self-knowledge, understand his character, and develop it into something beautiful. He has to strive to find his inner qualities that would not dissolve with the paradox of society’s beliefs but rise to the level of gaining real character — a playful, wholesome character that early has never been cultivated — the character of truth follows orders from within.

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